No Way Out. Chapter 2.

No Way Out – Chapter 2.

As Peter walked through Sandra’s front gate he tripped over a piece of rope that had been strung between the gate posts. He fell to the ground and John who was hiding in the dark, behind the high hedge that ran along the front of Sandra’s property, jumped on Peter and injected him with a tranquiliser. Peter did not know what had hit him, he become light headed and could hardly move.

John helped Peter to his feet, placed Peter’s arm around his shoulders and they both struggled towards Sandra’s front door. The movement sensing light came on as John knocked on the door. After a few moments Sandra answered the door and as she opened it she said, “OK what did you forget?”

Peter sitting on the floor propped up against the door so when Sandra opened it he fell inwards onto her feet.

“Oh Peter, what’s wrong?” asked Sandra.

She bent down and tried to see what was wrong with him and as she did John who was hiding against the wall next to the door, injected her with a tranquiliser.

Peter woke from a deep sleep to the sound of some one banging on his front door and calling out, “Police open up.” Half asleep he made his way to the front door with the call of, “Police open up” continuing. He opened the door to a number of uniformed Police as well as what he assumed were plain clothed Police. One of them barked out, “I am Detective Sergent Joe Brown, are you Peter Law?”

“Yes,” said Peter.   

“I’m arresting you on suspicion of the rape and assault of Sandra Burgess on or around the 10th of June. You are not obliged to say or do anything unless you wish to do so but whatever you say or do may be used in evidence, do you understand?” said Detective Sergent Brown.

“Is Sandra alright,” asked Peter.

“Do you understand,” said Detective Sergent Brown again.

“Yes, Yes, but how is Sandra?” asked Peter.

“None of your business you pervert,” said the one of the other Detectives.

A uniformed officer hand cuffed Peter and took him out to a Police car where another officer was waiting, they both then took him to the Police Station. While a team of Police Officers as well as pharisaic Officers searched Peter home for evidence.

At the Police Station Peter was taken to what looked like a first aid room where a Doctor, who introduced himself as Doctor Howard Cliff, examined him. It was a very intrusive examination and by this time Peter was becoming very stressed. He was stripped naked and given plastic overall to wear and swabs were taken. His cloths had blood on them and he had scratches on his face and he smelt of alcohol. All his positions were taken, including his phone.

No one would tell him how Sandra was and he was at a loose to remember what had happened. All he could remember was walking away from Sandra’s home then, the next thing he remembered was being woken by the Police banging on his door. And here he was dressed in plastic overall and sitting in a police interview room.

Detective Sergent Joe Brown entered the room with another office who introduced herself as Detective constable Jan Fraser. They sat down opposite Peter and turned a tape recorder on. After it made a beeping sound the officers introduced each other to the tape and asked Peter to do the same. Detective constable Jan Fraser then said, “interview commencing at 10.28 am.”

“Now Peter, you are still under caution,” said Detective Sergent Brown, and then went on, “tell me in your own words what happened between you and Sandra Burgess last night.”

“Is Sandra alright?” asked Peter.

“She is doing alright,” replied Detective Sergent Brown he then continued, “what happened last night?”

“Well I picked her up at 6.00 last night and we had dinner at,” he paused for a moment and went on, “I don’t know the name, Sandra will know its her regular, we then went to the movies and saw, ‘Not again,’ a romantic comedy. After that I took he home and the last thing I remember is walking away from her home, until you blokes woke me up bashing on my door this morning.” explained Peter.

“What time did you leave her place?” asked Detective Sergent Brown.

“About eleven I think, give or take,” replied Peter.      

“So Peter, you don’t mind me calling you Peter?” asked Detective Sergent Joe Brown.

“As long as I can call you Joe,” said Peter.

“Yes, so now Peter, you can’t remember anything from the time you walked away from her front door till we woke you this morning, is that your story?” said Detective Sergent Joe Brown.

“That’s right, I can’t remember anything,” said Peter.

“And you expect us to believe that,” said Detective constable Jan Fraser.

“Well, yes because it’s the truth,” said Peter.

“It’s very convenient for you,” replied Detective constable Jan Fraser.

“No it’s not, not being able to remember what happened is very scary, said Peter.

“How much did you have to drink last night, and don’t lie as we will know from your blood tests?” asked Detective constable Jan Fraser.

“I don’t drink, so none,” replied Peter.

“How well do you know Sandra?” asked Detective Sergent Joe Brown.

“This was our first date but we have been having lunch together for a few weeks. We met in the park opposite our work places,” said Peter.

“You work at the Wales Bank as a loan officer?” asked Detective Sergent Joe Brown.

“Yes,” replied Peter.

“And Sandra works for CBOA Bank as an accountant?” asked Detective Sergent Joe Brown.

“Yes,” replied Peter.

“How do you explain those scratches on your face?” asked Detective constable Jan Fraser.

Peter put his hands to his face to feel the scratches.

“I can’t,” replied Peter.

“What about all the blood on your cloths, how did that happen?” asked Detective constable Jan Fraser.

“I don’t know,” replied Peter.

“How did you get those graces on your hands?” asked Detective Constable Jan Fraser.

“I don’t know,” replied Peter and then added, “why don’t you ask Sandra who did it?”

“We will but we want you to tell us your story,” said Detective Constable Jan Fraser.

“It does not look good, Peter, once the forensics come back telling us that the blood on your cloths is Sandra’s and the blood under her finger nails is yours, well that will be it for you, so it would be better for you if you tell us the truth now, said Detective Sergent Joe Brown.

“I can’t remember anything and anyway I can’t believe that I would of done anything to harm Sandra,” replied Peter, and then added, “there must be some explanation. Lets wait for the forensics, they might help us work out what happened.”

“Yes they will tell us you did it,” said Detective constable Jan Fraser.

“I think I should stop answering questions till you get all your test results back and perhaps it’s time for me to talk to a solicitor,” said Peter.

“Interview suspended at 11.14,” said Detective constable Jan Fraser.

The two detectives left the room and once outside Detective Sergent Joe Brown said, “what do you think?”

“He is guilty, no question about it,” replied Detective constable Jan Fraser.

“No question about it but, I don’t know, he doesn’t seem the type,” said Detective Sergent Joe Brown.

“The evidence,” replied Detective constable Jan Fraser.

“I must be loosing my touch, if it wasn’t for the evidence I would of said he wasn’t guilty, said Detective Sergent Joe Brown, and then added, lets go and talk to Sandra Burgess.

A uniformed officer escorted Peter to a cell.

“Don’t I get to make a phone call?” asked Peter.

“In due course,” replied the officer.

It took Detective Sergent Joe Brown and Detective Constable Jan Fraser about half an hour to get to the hospital where they hoped to interview Sandra. It then took them another half hour to find were see was and the Doctor who treated her.

The Doctor was in her late fifties and like a lot of Doctors was very, ‘matter of fact’ and lacked any empathy with her patients.

“What are her injuries?” asked Detective Sergent Joe Brown.

The Doctor out lined Sandra’s injuries in great detail, like she was reading a shopping list.

“Will she recover?” asked Detective Constable Jan Fraser.

“She is a young health woman, I would expect her to made a full recovery, it might take a few months but she will be fine,” said the Doctor.

“How is she dealing with it on an emotional level,” asked Detective Constable Jan Fraser.

The Doctor seemed puzzled by the question as if she was not sure what she was being asked but made a half hearted attempt to answer it.

“She is fine, having been drugged, she can’t remember anything so I don’t think she is all that traumatised. She has asked about the well far of a Peter,” explained the Doctor.

“Can we interview her?” asked Detective Sergent Joe Brown.

“Yes of course, but she has been give some pain relief drugs, which will probably help you guys as it will make her, how should put it, less inhibited,” said the Doctor.  

The two Detectives went into Sandra’s room. She looked like a boxer who had just finished a ten round prise fight.

“Hello Sandra, I’m Detective Sergent Joe Brown and this is Detective Constable Jan Fraser, we are investigating the attack on you. Do you mind if we ask you some questions?” said Detective Sergent Joe Brown.

“No problem, do you know how Peter is?” asked Sandra.

“We are questioning him in relation to the attack on you,” said Detective Constable Jan Fraser.

“Peter would not do this to me,” replied Sandra.

“What do you remember of the attack?” asked Detective Sergent Joe Brown.

Sandra paused for a moment before saying, “I don’t remember anything,” she paused again for a moment before continuing, “hang on let me think, we went out to dinner and then to the movies to see a not very funny romantic comedy, then he took me home.”

“Did he go into your house?” asked Detective Constable Jan Fraser.

“No, I remember opening the front door and then waiting for the customary move but he did not make it, he shook my hand and said, ‘I’ll see you on Monday for lunch’ and then he walked away. I was pleasantly surprised but just a little bit disappointed.” replied Sandra.

“What was the last thing you can remember,” asked Detective Constable Jan Fraser.

“Well that’s all, no hang on, there was a knock at the door and I remember opening it and saying, ‘what did you forget?’ and that’s it I don’t remember anything after that,” replied Sandra.

“Was it Peter at the door?” asked Detective Constable Jan Fraser.

“I don’t know,” replied Sandra.

“Earlier you asked us if Peter was alright, why did you ask that?” asked

Detective Sergent Joe Brown.

“I don’t know, I just assumed he was injured as well,” replied Sandra. She then added. “Why are you questioning Peter? You don’t really think he was involved in this do you?”

“We are still investigating but he is a strong suspect,” said Detective Constable Jan Fraser.

“We may have more question but that is all for now,” said Detective Sergent Joe Brown.

Both Detective left the room and headed back to the Police Station.  

Peter could not think about anything other than his situation, he tried thinking about work but his brain would not let him he just kept thinking about the night before. Everything was clear in his mind up until walking away from Sandra’s front door. His thoughts were broken by a uniformed officer came into the cell, he gave Peter a phone and said, “you have one call so don’t waist it.”

“I’ll need my phone so I can get the number or a phone book,” said Peter. 

“I will get you a phone book,” said the officer.

Peter went through the phone book looking for a solicitor he knew. An old school friend who worked for a law firm who were located not that far away. They were great friends at school and had kept in touch over the years but only by phone, they had not seen each other for some time.

Peter found the number and rang it, the phone rang for a while before someone answered it and said, “Morgan, Morgan and Morgan, Jill speaking.” 

“Hi can I speak to Reg Strong, my name is Peter Law?” said Peter.

“He is in a meeting at the moment can he ring you back?” replied Jill.

“Not rely, I have been arrested and I need him to come to the Central Police Station,” said Peter.

“I will just put you on hold for a minute,” replied Jill.

After a few moments of elevator music that was hard to lesson to, Reg answered.

“Hi Peter,” said Reg and then added, “you have been arrested, that will be the day, what did you do steel some paper clips.”

“No, suspicion of rape and assault,” said Peter.

“I don’t believe it, is this some sort of wind up?” asked Reg.

“No, I wish it was, I’m at the Central Police Station and it is looking pretty serious, replied Peter.

“I’m on my way,” replied Reg.

“See you soon,” said Peter, and then hung up the phone.

 It took about half an hour for Reg to get to the Police Station and on arrival he was taken to an interview room. A few minutes later a uniformed officer escorted Peter to the interview room and left him with his solicitor. The interview room was a small room, painted grey, it had a small table in the middle with four chairs, it wasn’t just painted grey, it felt grey, the mood it ingended was grey.

“What is going on?” asked Reg.

“You tell me, the last thing I remember from last night is walking away from Sandra house, the next thing I remember was the cops banging on my front door this morning,” replied Peter.

“It doesn’t look good, its hard to see how you would of got blood all over you and scratches on your face that doesn’t involve you doing it,” said Reg.

“I know, but you know me, can you see me doing such a thing?” replied Peter.

“No, I can’t imagine you hurting anyone or anything for that matter, but it’s the evidence that the Police will be acting on,” said Reg.

“I know,” replied Peter.

“Look Peter,” said Reg, and then continued, “as you know I don’t do criminal law, I do conveyancing, I’m not qualified to deal with this, you need someone who works in the criminal courts.

“Well may be, if things go further, but for now, your it,” replied Peter.

“All I can recommend is to just, ‘shut up shop,’ say nothing and wait for the DNA results,” said Reg and then, “their will more than likely keep you in custody till they get those results.”

“Oh well,” replied Peter.

“In the mean time I will sound out some Barristers for you,” said Reg.

Reg stud up and walked to the door and knocked on it. “Do you need me to do anything for you, tell anyone?” asked Reg.

“Better tell work, or may be just tell them that I wont be in for a few days,” replied Peter, and then added, “tell them I’m sick.”

“OK,” said Reg.

The door was opened by a uniformed officer but before Reg could leave,

Detective Sergent Joe Brown and Detective Constable Jan Fraser came into the room.

“Are you ready to answer some questions now?” asked Detective Sergent Joe Brown.

“My client will not be answering any further questions,” replied Reg.

“Well let’s see about that,” said Detective Sergent Joe Brown.

“There is no point, my client will not be answering any questions,” reiterated Reg.

The two detectives sat down opposite Peter and gestated to Reg to sit next to Peter.

“What a total waist of time,” said Reg as he sat down.

Detective Constable Jan Fraser pressed the button to start the tape recorder and after a beep noise she said, “interview with Peter Law, present, Detective Constable Jan Fraser, Detective Joe Sergent Brown and Solicitor Reg Strong, time 1.32 pm.”

“Well now Peter, has your memory returned?” asked Detective Sergent Joe Brown.

“My client will not be answering any questions at this time,” replied Reg.

“Please let your client answer the question,” instructed Detective Constable Jan Fraser.

“No, my client will not be answering any questions at this time,” replied Reg.

“If you don’t shut up I will have you removed,” said Detective Constable Jan Fraser.

“Oh my goodness, even I know you can’t do that, where did you do your training?” replied Reg and then continued, “my client will not be answering any questions at this time.”

“It is in your client’s best interest to talk with us,” said Detective Sergent Joe Brown.

“I’m the one who will decide what’s best for my client not you,” replied Reg.

“Have it your way,” said Detective Sergent Joe Brown, “you know we have spoken to Sandra Burgess.

“Is she alright?” asked Peter.

“No not really no thanks to you,” replied Detective Constable Jan Fraser.

“What did she say?” asked Reg.

“She can’t remember anything but she will in time,” said Detective Constable Jan Fraser.

The two detectives stud up and left the room. Reg stud up and walked towards the door and said, “My goodness, their a bit full on.”

“Tell me about it, but you gave as good as you got, I didn’t know you had it in you,” said Peter.

“Neither did I,” replied Reg and then, I’ll see you soon and say nothing,” replied Reg. Reg left the room and a uniformed officer came in and took Peter back to the cells.

Spending the night in a cell was not fun but it was not the end of the world either. It was boring more than anything, Peter just sat on the bed waiting for something to happen. About mid morning a uniformed officer came and took Peter to an interview room. He would not tell Peter anything, just told him, “to wait for the Detectives.” And wait he did, it was a good half hour before they arrived. No doubt some sort of tactic designed to unsettle Peter but Peter had read enough crime books to understand this tactic and was not about to fall for it.

Detective Sergent Joe Brown and Detective Constable Jan Fraser came into the room and sat opposite Peter.

Detective Constable Jan Fraser slammed some photos down onto the table and said, “there have a look at you handy work.”

Peter picked up the photos and looked at them, “is Sandra alright, can I see her?” asked Peter.

“Of course not you pervert,” replied Detective Constable Jan Fraser.

“If I write her a note can you give it to her?” asked Peter.

“No,” replied Detective Constable Jan Fraser.

“We have results back and they are not good for you Peter,” said Detective Sergent Joe Brown, he then continued, “its Sandra’s blood on your cloths, your DNA under her finger nails, in fact your DNA is all over Sandra and her home. We have more than enough evidence to charge you with rape and assault. You will be taken to the custody Sergent who will formally charge you, get him out of here.”

“Your going to jail for a very long time,” said Detective Constable Jan Fraser.

A uniformed officer took Peter by the arm and escorted him away. As he walked though the Police Station Peter could not believe what was happening, it was like some sort of bad dream that he would wake from any minute, but it just kept on going.

“That is a good result and makes this job worth doing,” said Detective Constable Jan Fraser to Detective Sergent Joe Brown.

“I know, a good result, you know this job never stops surprising me, he is our man, but I don’t think he is putting it on I don’t think he can remember what happened,” said Detective Sergent Joe Brown who then added, “wouldn’t that be awful not knowing if you did it or not.”

“I hope it drives him nuts,” replied Detective Constable Jan Fraser.

“If you are going to survive this job you will need to learn how to be more impartial, independent and just a bit less judgmental, or you will end up gar gar or out of the job,” said Detective Sergent Joe Brown.

Peter sat in his cell wondering how he came to be there, how did this happen, why me, was swirling around in his head but not for long. He found himself thinking about Sandra and wondering how she was and hoping her memory would come back.

No matter what the evidence was saying he could not believe himself capable of doing something so awful. There must be an explanation for everything, a reason her blood was on his cloths, a reason his DNA was under he fingernails. But he could not think of one so he sat in his cell confused and worried. Confused because he could not remember or work it out and worried because, ‘what if he did do it’. 

Two uniformed officers arrived and took Peter to a Police van. “Where are you taking me,” asked Peter.

“To court for your committal hearing,” replied one of the officers.

 “Does my Solicitor know?” asked Peter.

“Yes,” was the gruff reply from the officer.

Peter sat in the back of the Police van wondering how he ended up in this situation. It was very uncomfortable in the back of the Police van as it travelled in heavy traffic to the court house. The trip took about twenty minutes but it felt like hours for Peter. He was way outside his comfort zone having never been arrested before. The seriousness of his situation was starting to dawn on him, up until now he had faith that it would be sorted out, that the Police would catch the real attacker. But it was obvious that the Police were not looking for anyone else.

The Police van pulled up in the drive way outside the rear entrance of the Court House. Peter could hear the Police talking to the Court officials before continuing into the car park at the rear of the Court House. Peter was taken into the Court House and placed in an interview room and his hand cuffs were removed. The Police left but not before telling Peter, “to behave himself,” which seemed odd as he had not been any trouble during his time in custody, he concluded that it must be just something they say.

A sheriff, at least that was what was written on his uniform, stayed in the room with him. Like the Police station this room was painted grey which Peter thought was called battleship grey but a more suitable name might be, gloomy grey. The whole room seamed to be designed to engender gloom and despair and it was working its magic on Peter.

“Any idea what happens next,” Peter asked the Sheriff.

“Your solicitor will be here soon,” replied the Sheriff.

 “I guess you see this all the time, some poor innocent bloke sitting here like a cow in line at the abators, just waiting for his fate,” said Peter.

The Sheriff just looked at Peter with distain and said, “innocent.”

Time seemed to slow down for Peter as he sat there staring at a spot on the wall in front of him. What was only a few minutes felt like an hour before there was a knock at the door. The Sheriff opened the door and Reg walked in, it was the first friendly face Peter had seen for some time and it brought a broad smile to his face. They sat at a small table facing each other and the Sheriff left the room.

“Well, this is getting a bit series,” said Reg. 

“Tell me about it, I think we’re beyond series,” replied Peter.

“Today’s committal hearing is a for gone conclusion given the evidence they have so I don’t see much point in arguing, ‘no case to answer’ so it’s all a bit of a formality,” said Reg.

“What about bail?” replied Peter.

“I wouldn’t think there would be much hope of bail,” said Reg.

“We have to try, I need to be free so I can take care of so many things just in case everything goes bad at the trial,” replied Peter.  

“With the evidence they have I don’t think they will let you out on bail,” said Reg.

“But I have no criminal record and a stable work history. I could report to the Police twice a day and wear one of those GPS things around my leg,” replied Peter and then added, “and I have a good amount savings.”

“I’ll give it my best,” said Reg.

“One more thing, can you get a note to Sandra, may be through her solicitor?” asked Peter.

“I don’t know if that is a good idea,” said Reg.

“I just want to make sure she is alright and to tell her I can’t remember anything,” replied Peter.

“Alright I’ll try,” said Reg.

“Lend me your pad and pen,” replied Peter. He then started writing.

          Hi Sandra,

          I hope you are alright, no one will tell me how you are

          or what your injuries are. I hope your alright and on the

          mend. Like you I don’t remember anything from the



Before he could finish writing there was a knock at the door and the Sheriff came and said, “your hearing is due to start in ten minutes.”

“Thanks,” said Reg to the Sheriff.

Peter quickly signed the note and gave the pad and pen back to Reg.

“Try to get this note to her,” said Peter as he handed Reg the note, he then added, “even better, try and organize a meeting with her, that might help get our memories back.”

“I don’t think so, that ain’t going to happen,” replied Reg.

“Why not?” asked Peter.

“It is not going to happen, I’ll try to get the note to her but that is all,” replied Reg, he then added, “see you in court.”

Reg left the room and the Sheriff came in and escorted Peter to the court room.

The court room like all institutions like it was designed to intimidate, to overwhelm anyone in the unfortunate position off being involved in court proceedings, that includes witnesses, juries and of course the accused. The Judge or in this case a magistrate sat at the front of the court in an elevated position, symbolising his authority and adding a bit more intimidation. On his left was an area were the jury would sit but this area was vacant as committal hearings were held before a magistrate, no jury. On his right was an area for the public gallery, a small number of people were sitting there, some were reporters and some were members of the public. Peter was in the dock situated at the rear of the court facing the Magistrate and the solicitors were sitting at tables in front of the Magistrate.

The Magistrate came into the court and everyone stud up until he sat down. He was a tall slim man in his late fifties and gave the impression of someone very stern or may be he was just very unhappy, that or he was trying to portray the image of a series person.

The Solicitor acting for the Police was a woman in her mid thirties, dressed to look the part, with an air of confidence and sureness that seemed to intimidate Reg. This was for her, just another day at the office, she was in her element, right in her comfort zone.

Reg on the other hand was like a possum in the head lights, not sure of what he was suppose to do next. He was so far out of his comfort zone, he was in another state. Reg looked at Peter and his face said it all, ‘I don’t know what I’m doing.’ Peter smiled back at him and gave a little, ‘thumbs up.’

The Magistrate sat there looking out over the court room for a few moments before saying, ‘are we all ready?”

Both Solicitors nodded before the Magistrate said, “lets hear from the prosecution, but before we do, Mr Law you look formilular, have you been before me before?”

“Yes and no your honour, I was a witness for the prosecution in a fraud case about six months ago,” replied Peter.

“I see,” said the Magistrate before indicating to the prosecution Solicitor to continue.     

The Solicitor for the prosecution stud up and said, “I’m Helen Stone, I’m acting for the Government in this matter and my college Reg Strong is acting for the accused, Peter Law.” But before she could continue the Magistrate interrupted her.

“Ms Stone,” said the Magistrate some what sternly, “there is no jury here so you don’t need to put on the full show, its me you have to impress and I know who everyone is, and what it is about, so kindly get on with it and keep to the facts.”

“Yes your honour,” replied Ms Stone. She then outlined the case against Peter in great detail, covering all the forensic evidence, the Police interviews with Peter and Sandra as well as describing the injuries sustained by Sandra. She was very good at her job, she was a very good story teller and she painted a picture of Peter that was not very flattering.

She talked about Peter being a lonely recluse with few friends and unable to form relationships with women. By the time she had finished just about everyone one in the room were looking at Peter as if he was the next, ‘Jack the ripper.’

The Magistrate had heard it all before, he glared at Ms Stone and said, “It seems you were not paying attention earlier when I said, ‘keep to the facts,’ I’m not as keen of your voice as you are, thank you Ms Stone.”  

He looked at Reg with a look that had Reg paralysed and said, “now its your turn Mr Strong.”

Reg nervicly got to his feet, looked around the room, all eyes were on him but before he could say anything the Magistrate said, “in your own time Mr Strong.”

“Yes your honour,” said Reg before continuing, “I have known my client since we were ten years old and it is not possible that he would do what he is accused of.” Reg looked up to see the Magistrate glairing at him, he then continued, “but what I think does not count here, it’s the facts that matter.”

Reg paused for a moment and then said, “the facts are damming but do we know the whole story yet, I don’t think so. My client can’t remember anything from that night, nor can the victim, it is possible that a third party committed these offences and both Peter and Sandra are the victims. Further investigation is required to find out what happened on that night. I put it to your honour that this case should be dismissed and that the Police need to do a more thorough investigation before rushing into a prosecution.”

As Reg sat down he said, “that’s all your honour.”

“Thank you Mr Strong,” replied the Magistrate, he then made a few notes on his a pad in front of him.

“I think there is a prima-facie case to answer so lets say in four months, the clerk will work out a date, that should give you enough time to organize your prosecution and defence.” said the Magistrate but then added, “I’ll now hear arguments re bail, Ms Stone.”            

Ms Stone stud up and said, “the prosecution oppose bail, the accused is a violent predator and a danger to the community. If released on bail he may commit more crimes, interfere with witnesses and fail to appear.”

“And what have you to add Mr Strong,” said the Magistrate.

Reg got to his feet and said, “my client has no criminal record, not even a traffic fine. He has worked for the same employer for the last twelve years, starting at the bottom and working his way up to a very responsible job. He lives his life by a high standard of ethics, a strong sense of right and wrong. I ask that he be given bail with what ever conditions your honour thinks appropriate.”

“Thank you Mr Strong,” said the Magistrate he then continued, “I set bail at $50,000 and he must report to the Police once a day, do you understand the conditions Mr Law?”

“Yes you honour,” replied Peter.

After all the formalities were completed Peter and Reg found themselves standing outside the court house.

“Well, I think you’re a very lucky man to be standing here and if I were you I would spend the next four months getting your affairs in order, as I think it will take a miracle to keep you out of jail once this goes to trial, said Reg.

“That miracle may be Sandra remembering what happened,” replied Peter.

“What if she does remember and she remembers that you did it?” said Reg.

“If I did it then I don’t deserve to be in the community and I will plead guilty and argue for the maximum sentence,” replied Peter.

“In the mean time I will try to find a Barrister to represent you,” said Reg.

“Did you get the note to Sandra?” asked Peter.

“I gave it to her Solicitor, but weather it gets to her is another story,” replied Reg.

“Thanks for your faith in me, I’ll be in touch,” said Peter.

Peter walked away wondering what the future had in store next.    

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